We note you have not revised your prospectus in response to comment 3 of our letter dated February 25, 2011. We therefore reissue our prior comment. We note you provide your prospectus “Subject to Completion” legend on the cover page of your registration statement. Please revise to provide your prospectus “Subject to Completion” legend on the outside front cover page of the prospectus. Please refer to Item 501(b)(10) of Regulation S-K.
We note your response to comment 5 of our letter dated February 25, 2011 in which you have filed your agreement with Europa Capital Investments as an Exhibit. We further note that the agreement is signed by Peter Coker, Managing Director for Europa Capital Investments. Please tell us whether Peter Coker is related to James Coker, Secretary and Director of Real Estate Restoration and Rental. If true, please revise your disclosure to include this information.
We note your response to comment 14 of our letter dated February 25, 2011 in which you have revised your disclosure. We further note you indicate that you plan to sign contracts to provide renovation and management services with two real estate developers and one hedge fund. Please revise your disclosure to clarify whether you have located two real estate developers and one hedge fund interested in contracting with you for your services.
We note your response to comment 19 of our letter dated February 25, 2011. We further note you indicate on page 18 that Mr. Coker has recently been involved in real estate development of rental properties in the Philadelphia area. Please expand your disclosure to describe Mr. Coker’s involvement in real estate development and the nature of his responsibility undertaken. Please also revise to clarify whether Mr. Coker is self-employed with respect to his real estate development endeavors in Philadelphia or whether he is working for an organization.